Hello, I'm from , with a strong interest in machine learning and computer vision, currently in remote.
YOLOR + Streamlit
Object Detection and Tracking
Happiness Toolbox
Personal resource center to increase your happiness using
Positive Psychology exercices. Based on my side projet:
revolution positive.
Analysis of video streams in drones
Stabilization of the video using Kalman Filter Detection
tracking and recognition of different type of vehicles using
Haar cascades and Camshift Algorithms.
Text and tennis court detection on a Roland Garros games
Detection of corners and lines in order to detect the whole
Apply Stroke Width Transform (SWT) algorithm
In collaboration with a French start-up: WildMoka
Autonomous RC car guided by computer vision
Understanding of hardware and software (Servo-motors, Raspberry)
Use image processing with a motorized pi-camera and algorithms
to find target and avoid obstacles. Vanishing point approach.
FLOD - 09 2019 - present
CO-CTO | Full-Stack Web Developer
Start-up that helps companies with large infrastructure parks to monitor their assets in real time.
CNRS - 03 2016 - 05 2018
R&D Computer Vision Engineer - 3D Object recognition using the Structure Sensor Device.
Panasonic - 03 2015 - 09 2015
Intern computer vision engineer - Visual Odometry for self-localization using a prior-map
Samsamia - 06 2014 - 09 2014
Intern computer vision engineer - Object and logo recognition
Happiness Toolbox
Direct Pro Conseil
Sport Coaching